We offer the possibility to order diamonds with an international certificate (GIA, IGI or HRD), sizes starting from 0.25 carats.
You can choose all colors and clarity. You can also choose all the basic cut types (round brilliant, princess cut, emerald cut, oval-, heart-shaped- pear and radiant cut. We deliver diamonds directly from our partners, members of the internationally recognized diamond exchange from Antwerp, London, Israel or India. We are with recognized access to the international diamond trading system.
Bring us an offer from any other Estonian jewelry store, for example, for a 1 diamond ring from 0.50 carats, and we will definitely make a significantly better offer!
Diamonds can be ordered from us as an object of investment, but also for desirable jewellery. For example, if you have a picture of a piece of jewellery (ring, pendant or earrings) that you would like to purchase, we can make it for you with the certified diamond(s) of your choice.
We also offer certified laboratory diamonds (Lab Grown Diamonds) at the best competitive price in Estonia from 1.0 to 20.0 carats, in all purity and color classes.
Send us an offer for your diamond from other jewellery stores and we can definitely make you a better offer!
Asked for more: info@kuldkroon.ee

What is a Diamond Certificate?
Diamonds are natural minerals and each diamond has unique internal and external physical properties. In addition to the size and color of the diamond, so-called birthmarks are also important for the appearance of the diamond. The value of a diamond is formed by the interaction of these properties.

Diamonds are classified using 4 main characteristics, also known as the “Diamond 4Cs”: Color, Clarity, Cut and Carat weight. These properties are evaluated by diamond experts (gemologists) and these properties are mapped in great detail. This document is called a diamond certificate. Diamond certificates are important because they show the quality and value of the diamonds in your jewelry. The international gemmological laboratories GIA, IGI and HRD are independent institutions whose certificates are recognized all over the world. Diamond certificates issued by merchants cannot be called a certificate. They do not have an international and independent expertise background, and they also do not meet the requirements for issuing a certificate in Estonia.

Oris is founded by Paul Cattin (right) and Georges Christian in the Swiss town of Hölstein. They buy the recently closed Lohner & Co watch factory, and on June 1, 1904 the two men enter into a contract with the local mayor. They name their new watch company Oris, after a nearby brook.

Since 1904 industrial watch making has been in our bones and craftmanship is in our souls. Our mechanical watches always conform to the Oris credo: “Things must make sense”. We live for the quality of work we put into our watches. While others follow a path, we define our own. Go your own way.

Oris is one of a small handful of Swiss watch brands that makes only mechanical watches. A mechanical watch is a thing of beauty, designed according to principles that have been around for generations and will continue long into the future.

See more: www.oris.ch

Watches are in our salon at Rävala pst. 6, Tallinn.
For certine model availabilty in our salon you can send the request to info@kuldkroon.ee


Zenith kellafirma asutaja Geordes Favre-Jacot viis kellade valmistamise täiesti uuele tasemele, kui koondas 1865 kõik kella valmimiseks vajaminevad protsessid ühe katuse alla. Kellde ajaloos sündis esimene tööstusajaloost tuntud kooslus – Manufaktuur. Ja juba 1899 esitleti esimest taskuu-kronograafi. Sealt peale on Zenith läbinud rohkesti kellatööstuse ajaloos teedrajavaid tähiseid olles üks rohkearvulisemaid selle valdkonna uuenduste leiutajaid..

Pakume Zenit kellasid tellimise peale. Vaata kollektsiooni SIIT

Küsi lisa : info@kuldkroon.ee


Cartier on loodud 1847 Pariisis meister-juveliiri Louis-Francois Cartier poolt. Isa tööd jätkasid poeg Alfred ning poja-pojad Louis, Pierre ja Jacques. 1899 avas Cartier oma esimese esindussalongi Rue de la Paix taänaval Pariisis. Kolme venna visoonist ja tööst arenes terve impeerium. Aastal 1900 kohtas Louis Cartier tuntud lennundus-visionääri ja aviaatorit Alberto Santos-Dumont-i. Peagi kurtis sõber, et tal on raskusi oma taksukellalt aega määrata, kui ta õhus viibib. Kolma aastat hilem sündiski kellatööstuses revolutsioon, kui Louis Cartier esitles esimest eriotstarbeks valmistatud käekella. Sõprusest sündinud kell oli sündinud  – Santos de Cartier.

Pakume Cartier kellasid tellimise peale. Vaata kollektsiooni SIIT

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Kõik algas juba 1884-ndal aastal. Šveitsis, Sain Imeri linnas alustas Léon Breitling, andekas meister, kes valmistas nii mehhaanilisi ajanäitajaid kui ka täpsimõõteriistu. Lühikese ajaga saavutasid tema valmistatud taskukellad kõrge reputatsiooni ja tuntuse. Sealt peale ongi Breilting rõhunud just kronograaf-mudelitele, mis mitte vaid ei näita õiget aega vaid ka mõõdavad seda.
Breilting kellad on tänapäeval ühed nõutumad kronograaf-tüüpi kellad. Sinna kuulub muidugi tema Chronoma, Navitimer ning SuperOcean mudelid, kuid avastada on neilt paljugi enam.

Pakume Breitling kellasid tellimise peale. Vaata kollektsiooni SIIT

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The ultimate reference in luxury chronograph watches, TAG Heuer’s high-precision timing innovations have kept pace with the evolution of sports since 1860. Our timepieces make it possible to capture every fraction of a second of a performance. From the wrists of the drivers who have marked the history of motor racing to your wrist, TAG Heuer watches have a lasting impact on their time and their era. Shortly after its inception, TAG Heuer introduced the Mikrograph – a mechanical chronograph five times more accurate than any other – and became the official timekeeper for the most famous sports competitions. With the arrival of motorsports, TAG Heuer became the first watchmaking brand to sponsor the Formula 1 World Championship since its creation.

The collection:  SIIT

Ask more : info@kuldkroon.ee



Aditional information

OMEGA algusaegadest on need kellad mõõtnud kõige erilisemaid hetki maailmas… ja väljaspool. Neid kelli on kandnud presidendid ja kuningad, stronaudid ja spioonid, filmitähed… ja võib-olla ka Sina. Iga kell kannab endas horoloogia kvaliteedi ja innovatsiooni pärandit.

OMEGA kuulub Swatch Group koosseidu

Pakume Omega kellasid tellimise peale. Vaata kollektsiooni SIIT

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